What inspired you to become an artist?
Im was inspired by poverty, rap city, and never being satisfied with the life I had. Now I’m inspired by God, hope, my kids, and the goal I set for myself.
Who are your biggest musical influences?
I was influenced by the artist as a child, but not anymore. I now realize your work isn’t who you are. The works are my influences, Me Against the World, My Balls and My Word, The World is Yours, Muddy Waters, Doggystyle, The Predator, Death Certificate, Legal Drug Money, Edutainment, Rhythmalism and many other tracks + movies like House Party 1, Tv shows like Comic View. Seeing black people on stage controlling the show and having fun.
What is the story behind your stage name?
I started out using B-Raw until I came across the internet. People at jobs call me by my last name plus its original; so to make it catchy I added Da Bandit. Bnet is just a hood name short for Bonnette
How would you describe your musical style?
I don’t have a style with a name according to me. Southpaw recorder maybe, because I’m unorthodox with my topics, I rec what I want and put out what I want. I dont know yall tell me.
Can you walk us through your writing and recording process?
I can but it’s not glorious. If I’m drinking I kick a freestyle to the beat and I might keep it. When I write, I come up with a hook, I might lay that down right away so it can help me with ending the verses on time. Depending on what the beat tells me is how I come with my topics. If I’m in kick out of track mode, hell the recording is done in like 2 hours. If I’m in woke mode it might take until the next day to finish recording the track.
What message do you hope to convey through your music?
I’m proud to be labeled a rapper. Im not a gangster or thug nigga that raps. I’m not a 1 trick pony, I’m not a wanna be a rapper. At the end of the day I need to get paid.
Can you tell us about your latest album or project?
Epitome of Independence was a motherfucker to release. A whole 2 years behind schedule. Arthritis and a new DAW method was my problem. The title speaks for itself. Just backing up my statements for a catchy phrase I created. Album 13 for me. 13 tracks of unexpected original ear linguistics. The lyrical audio on this album is witty, dark, slick, and nasty! The beats are bumping with a harmonizing twist throughout the project. My true fans will enjoy this.
What is the most challenging aspect of creating music for you?
Many things gave me/us problems starting out, like getting on CD. Now it’s just having promotional money. Trying to get my sound to match the sound on the radio is a challenge but that doesnt matter with the internet streams
How do you deal with criticism and negative feedback?
I know critics exist and I may feel some kind of way because of their statements, In order for me to change my ways; I have to feel like the Creator Of All Living Things brings it to me. I make diss tracks for the negative feedback
What sets you apart from other artists?
I have no idea. We all say the same thing eventually. I’m broke with a lack of venues that sets me apart from those on the radio. As for those on the same level as me; its nothing but my work ethic and I’m willing to release everything I rec
What was the biggest obstacle you faced as a musician, and how did you overcome it?
Lack of know-how. Communication is a skill that needs daily exercise. I still dont know if my music is loud enough. No help from family. Buying new plugins but bills are due. Getting the equipment and space to start recording should have been said 1st. I really overcome things by living on faith.
Who are your dream collaborations and why?
Dream collabs would be with my family, making sure they shine and get paid. Collabing with the major label names really aint a dream it’s
Can you discuss a time when you faced a creative block, and how you overcame it?
Creative block, writer’s block, same thing. I normally go through that when I don’t feel like writing. To beat it I just stop working and do other things. I will finish it later.
What do you consider to be your biggest musical accomplishment?
Many many accomplishments for me. Buying what I need to get started. Being able to afford upgrades to better software and equipment. Getting my paper work right so I could get my royalties. Being able to afford your next level is an accomplishment.
How has your hometown and community influenced your music?
I make music with the hopes of leaving this area. I only say where I’m from on tracks because I think I’m supposed to. I was thinking stop saying Orangeburg South Carolina and other relatable phrases. I don’t feel love from the home team but everyday I see and hear about beautiful things; that’s my only influence.
What advice would you give to aspiring artists?
You should already know what you’re getting into because you know the history right. Make sure you learn your paperwork. Learn how to record yourself and work the equipment. Don’t quit your job. Save your money. Your kids come first. Make educated decisions.
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not making music?
I am a dad, I get money, watch movies, play games, stream music, clean the house, cook food, wash clothes, and work when I have a job.
What are your favorite and least favorite things about the music industry?
Not knowing what I know now as a teen; its a fake industry because it lives off credit acting like it doesn’t. I dislike the fact you have to say the most ignorant shit to get noticed. Anything I want to complain about thatshappenning to me now will probably benefit me in the future. The positive thing about the rap industry is that it seems to give retarded muthafuckers a black card.
How do you stay connected with your fans and supporters?
I dont stay connected. I don’t care to collect emails. I don’t care where streams come from. The only stats I wanna see are stream numbers.
What was the biggest lesson you learned from your musical journey so far?
No one cares about your journey unless they are too young to know anything about life or they get paid from your running around. Just cause a person knows all your lyrics dont mean they care if you’re panhandling
Can you tell us about a memorable performance you’ve had?
Not many performances under my belt. Performing in D.C. at different venues was memorable, but not more memorable than my 1st time in a talent show with Rhyme C-ick and Castor Troy at the Stevenson Auditorium in Orangeburg S,C.
What are your future plans for your career as an artist?
I’m living in reality; meaning I’m not going to take food out of my children’s mouth to push words that rhyme, so making it major is out of the question. I hope to find a home to perform at locally; for better publishing checks. I just want to make 24hrs worth of music before I let this shit collect dust.
What is the biggest challenge you face as a performer?
Expenses and memory. Not getting paid but having to travel is a bummer, I dont live with my mama. I don’t practice my songs so I don’t remember the lyrics. I don’t have a fan base that travels with me.
Can you discuss a time when you faced adversity and how you overcame it?
Adversity is the everyday challenge we face when dealing with the world. Dudes tried to rob me and I got shot. Not knowing who set it up, I stopped trusting everybody and stayed to myself for months. During my depressive solitude state I messed up my sciatica nerve and I couldn’t even pick up my one year old girl. That was a problem I had to conquer. I started stretching into pain and soon the extensive pain was gone and I could move around better.
What do you think is the most important quality for a successful artist?
For a rapper its knowledge. You gotta know what your saying relates to the topic / hook at hand.
How do you stay motivated and focused on your goals as an artist?
I simply play some beats when I feel I need to rec track. This is a gift from the Creator Of All Living Things not much is needed to spark it up.
Can you tell us about a project or song that holds a special place in your heart?
I simply play some beats when I feel I need to rec track. This is a gift from the Creator Of All Living Things not much is needed to spark it up.
What do you think is the role of an artist in society?
At where I’m at in life a rap song is nothing special, not even my favorite raps I grew up listening to. When I create I want it to relate to someone who will listen. Its all about me getting a check. If I have a die hard fan, that question is for them.
What is your favorite and least favorite part of the touring process?I’ve never been on tour. I have traveled to do shows and expenses are a bitch. That’s all I can say
What can fans expect from you in the future?
My future in this rap shit is finishing my goal of 24hrs of music and a few more videos for youtube. No plans beyond that without throwing away money.
How can people find you provide me you links email and other info you want posted with your interview ?
email – bnet803@yahoo.com, my website – bnet803.com,
amp.com/music, https://twitte r.com/Bnet803, https://www. facebook.com/BonnetteDaBandit/, https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UCsoUQcIxPxTQEs0gUahxw PQ, https://www.instagram.com/ bonnettedabandit/, https://www.instagram.com/bnet
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