Home Featured Artist Interview With Boygenius IG Earllangham

Interview With Boygenius IG Earllangham


1. How Long Have You Been In The Rap Industry?
I been in the business for 20 plus years but i wasnt always rapping. I was managing and promoting at times.

2. Who Are Your Major Influences In Your Music?
My major influences are 2 pac, and zro out of hosuton texas.

3. What Is Your First Single? – Or What Single Do You Have Out Now?
First signle was Keep Grinding. I have a couple of single out. The last one is call “Make it”. It more a motivational song to help you get through the day. One call “Backstabber” self explanitory, another call “LooK what you made me do” which is about you chilling with your lady minding your business, and you happen to see an ex that look good or was wearing something sex, you feel she proke you into doinng something your shouldnt have done.

4. Who Do You Have On Your Album?
My cousin laval lvdaboss walker , and a artist from canada name Fedarro

5. How Did You Get Into The Rap Industry?
My cousin Spencer Aldridge got me started. He was an extra casting director for THOSE OTHER PLACE TALENT AGENCY IN HOUSTON AND CALI. i WORK AND HELP HIM OUT on projects.

6. Where Were You Born? – Where Do You Live Now?
I was created in Moss Point Mississippi, which is where my dad side of the family reside. But Im currently in Austin Texas, where my om side of the family resides.

7. Who Would You Like To Work With That You Haven’t Already?
Maybe Nas.

8. Who Is Your Favorite Rapper You Like Right Now?
Zro, i think he is a good writer and a stand your ground type man.

09. Who Do You Think Is The Hottest Producer Out? – What Would You Say To That Producer On Why They Should Work With You?
My favorit producer is Fedarro and donn suave. Both produce real music. You can hear the insturnmets clear. You have alot of prodcuer that focus on low frequencey by trying to make the beat thump by putting alot of bass in beat. But when the artist go perform the song, all you hear is bass and you can understand nor hear the rap.

10. How Did You Come Up With Your Album Title?
I came up with the album title “Fearless the fall of the matrix because i knew i was gong to destroy the demon kingdom and wake many from the dead.

11. What Is Your Favorite Song On Your Album?
My Favorite is God Hands.

12. Which Song On Your Album Means The Most To You?
Tell No lIes because im giving the people the real truth.

13. Who Are You Signed With?
No one, but myself, I have my own label The New Empire Entertainmen

14. When Is Your Album Release Date?
My Album was Release on February 11 2022

15. What Cities Do You Plan On Touring?
Not sure right now.

16. What Female Rapper Or Artist Do You Think Is The Sexiest?

17. What Would You Like To See From The Music Industry Over The Next Year?
I would like to see better muisc being put out. More royalty money. and maybe a AI Publishing company. It to many hands dipping into the pot.

18. What Is Your Second Single Going To Be?
I got a new single coming call “Give them something to Talk about”

19. If You Could Compare Yourself To An Already Established Artist, Who Would That Be And Why?
Public Emeny

20. What Do You Think Your Listeners Will Get Out Of Your Music?
They will get nothing but good music that will keep their spirit in a good place.

21. What Were You Thinking About When Your Songs Are Developed?
Explain Your Process? Well alot of thought go into the process. First trying to come up with a good hook or course. Which is sually the hardest for me. I dont like cheezey hooks. Them i start working on my bars for the verse by trying to stay on topic of what all im saying in the hook or course of the song.

22. Who Got You Started In The Rap Industry?
My cousin Spencer Aldridge.

23. What Made You Want To Get Into The Music Business?
I like the art of creating something from nothing. Its the ability to show how you are like God, a creator.

24. How Does Your Family Feel About Your Music And Your Choice Of Career?
Good, because its for a greater cause. Its the truth and its helping others to wake up and come into enlightment. Scripture say in 1 corinthians 6:19 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. In other words, You do not know that your body is the temple of the holy ghost, that you have of God, and you are not your self. to get the last KEY to the puzzle Then you go to John 4:24 it read ” God is a spirit, and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and TRUTH. To be ONE like God, is mind=truth, body=temple and soul=spirit=holy ghost. Music is in a negative way on a major level toamnipulate folks spirit.

25. What Is The Most Difficult Thing You’ve Had To Endure In Life?
Unvielling all the white lies, that had held my culture down for manys to find out that UNITED SNAKE was Satan kingdom it self. This is why it had to created another you, by putting everyone name in AL CAPITAL LETTERS, which is a fictitious you that is can ONLY control. But it can not perfom without your consent. Just like in the king James bible, tell satan can not perfom without god permission. So this is why you see i say demons in my verses, becuase im talking about all those who operate under something in law which say United SNAKE {STATES} DONT EXIST, then if that the case, we are dealing with demons. You see they can never ever address You in your upper and Lower case name, and nobody havent wonder why?

26. What Do You Hope To Accomplish With Your Music?
I hope i can say something in my muisc that will touch or reach those who are going through.

27. What’s The Demographic You Are Trying To Reach Out To?
Im trying to reach everybody across the world of all ages. This why you dont hear me using the N word. or calling women the B or H words. I want whie people to be comfortable and singing the whole song. I want kids to rap my song without worrying about saying these negative words.

28. How Do You Usually Come Up With Your Songs?
I usually create song by listening to the music and freestyling to the beat

29. What Is Your Goal And Height That You Want To Reach With Your Music?
Well its not the fame. Just wanna place my mark upon the world as a consciou rap that spoke that truth and one of the voice of the people like in the 80 and 90 rapper. Most artist today, make muisc for fame and to build up their ego and we see year after year that always fail. If you are not working towards a greater cause for the betterment of something you might as well not do. You do not get bless for self gain. Blessing ONLY come to those who are a serve to another, meaning helping in need some kind of way.

30. What Influenced You Outside Of Hip Hop Rap That Has Helped You Form Your Style?
The desire to seek the truth and help others in their struggle.

31 .Do You Do Anything Outside From Being A Artist?
Oh yeah outside of being an artist, I do photography on the side. www.Tropicalimagesandart.com, I also been working on my T shirt brand call “Swagg Fresh Apparels’ and selling T shirts on the side. I have new T shirt coming soon. www.swaggfreshapparels.com, in my free time, I like to study and seek the truth of all thing I study law and help many with their cases, help those who seek freedom from the UNITED SNAKES, which is nothing but a corporation of demons that has been pushing lies, starting wars, creating pandemic and blaming other counties, and has been manipulating America Native for many years. EPK www.thenewempireentertainment.com

32. How Can People Reach You?
Boygenius (@earllangham) | Instagram


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