1. How Long Have You Been In The Rap Industry?
I have been in the rap industry seriously since 2021. Previously I tried to put out music but wasn’t successful but due to being homeless for the last 5 years I really struggled trying to go to the studio. I now currently work at Amazon and I will do everything I can to make it happen.
2. Who Are Your Major Influences In Your Music?
My major influences in my music have to be my life trauma. As for artists that inspired me growing up I have to say Eminem because he was real lyrically and evanescence because I love her beautiful singing. I want to sound powerful when I sing.
3. What Is Your First Single? – Or What Single Do You Have Out Now?
My first single this year is Redemption and my recent single is Eternal Things.
4. Who Do You Have On Your Album?
I currently don’t have anyone on my album but my goal and artist i would be honored to work with is Chris brown and Tyga.
5. How Did You Get Into The Rap Industry?
I am a survivor of human trafficking that’s how I came to the U.S. I was promised a false record deal. But you know what they say. The show must go on. And the trauma I endured has only built a deep strength within me. God is my true strength without him I’m nothing.
6. Where Were You Born? – Where Do You Live Now?
I was born in Brasilia, Brazil and I lived in California for a while and am now in the Chicago area.
7. Who Would You Like To Work With That You Haven’t Already?
I would like to work with Mariah Lynn, Chris Brown and Ivete Sangaglo the #1 artist in Brazil.
8. Who Is Your Favorite Rapper You Like Right Now?
It’s really hard to choose who my favorite rapper is because the music industry is filled with talent.
09. Who Do You Think Is The Hottest Producer Out? – What Would You Say To That Producer On Why They Should Work With You?
The Hottest Producer Out right now is Fluid perception beats. I work with him now and I am most definitely blessed for such an opportunity.
10. How Did You Come Up With Your Album Title?
My album title when I’m done releasing my songs will be Forgiven. At first I wanted to call it Resilient but I really feel that it should be Forgiven.
11. What Is Your Favorite Song On Your Album?
My favorite song hasn’t been released yet. It will be in a couple weeks. My favorite song is Valley of the rich. Because it’s very deep.
12. Which Song On Your Album Means The Most Too You?
The song that means the most to me is “In the void”. When It’s released everyone will see why. Its a very beautiful song with so much meaning.
13. Who Are You Signed With?
I am not signed to any label. And after what happened to me with the trafficking situation I personally don’t ever want to be signed to a label.
14. When Is Your Album Release Date?
My album release date will be in 2022 because I recorded a lot of songs in July and August and my producer is still mixing them. I also need to record more songs to complete the album.
15. What Cities Do You Plan On Touring?
I plan to tour Miami, Atlanta, New York, LA, all the major cities in the U.S. and one day my goal is to tour my hone country Brazil.
16. What Female Rapper Or Artist Do You Think Is The Sexiest?
I think the most beautiful artist out there has to be Mariah Lynn because she is beautiful on the inside and out.
17. What Would You Like To See From The Music Industry Over The Next Year?
I would like to see myself as an artist be successful at breaking the cycle of musical segregation in the music industry. I am hoping to top the billboard charts. When I see gospel music I think it doesn’t make sense how it’s hidden in church when Jesus told the apostles to make disciples of all nations.
18. What Is Your Second Single Going To Be?
I actually have 2 singles coming in the next couple of weeks. “My king” and “Valley of the rich”.
19. If You Could Compare Yourself To An Already Established Artist, Who Would That Be And Why?
I can’t compare myself to any established artist because I’m different and I know that I am not like the rest.
20. What Do You Think Your Listeners Will Get Out Of Your Music?
I hope that the listeners will be inspired by the lyrics. And I hope that they are encouraged to start a journey in developing a relationship with God and having a desire to have salvation. Eternity is a long time.
21. What Were You Thinking About When Your Songs Are Developed? Explain Your Process?
I was thinking about souls and about how I can impact many. I was thinking about every trauma that I have been through. I thought that I need to start recording music because music is where I feel like I’m free.
22. Who Got You Started In The Rap Industry?
I got my self started. I was very inspired by all the artists I listened to in the 90’s.
23. What Made You Want To Get Into The Music Business?
What made me want to get into the music industry were many reasons. One of them is I can’t hide my talent. Another reason is I lost my children due to domestic violence and I wanted to have fame so that they could easily find me.
24. How Does Your Family Feel About Your Music And Your Choice Of Career?
I personally don’t take in what my family feels about my music or choice in career. Because I grew up in many group homes from 11 to 17 and from 17 to 19 the streets raised me and since I was 19 I have been on my own. My childhood was very dysfunctional and filled with abuse. I don’t need to be near that.
25. What Is The Most Difficult Thing You’ve Had To Endure In Life?
The most difficult thing not only was being born with a birth defect which led to many years of reconstructive facial surgery,
Or having survived human trafficking. The most difficult thing I had to endure was losing my 3 sons and becoming an illegal in the U.S. just so that I could reunite with them again one day. I just became a permanent resident recently. God gave me the strength. My whole life the enemy tried to take my identity from me. My true identity is in my music and in my voice and nothing could ever take that from me no media, no devil, no one.
26. What Do You Hope To Accomplish With Your Music?
I hope to accomplish a very successful music career.
27. What’s The Demographic You Are Trying To Reach Out To?
I am trying to reach out to people that don’t know God or are hungry for him. Everyone has a soul and we all will rise and give an account on judgement day.
28. How Do You Usually Come Up With Your Songs?
My songs usually come to me in dreams or I just listen to a beat and they come to me.
29. What Is Your Goal And Height That You Want To Reach With Your Music?
I want to reach the whole world. I want to be known in many countries. I want people to see me as a survivor and an inspiration.
Although I have been through so much I will still choose love over hate.
30. What Influenced You Outside Of Hip Hop Rap That Has Helped You Form Your Style?
My life experiences and my relationship with God has really influenced my style.
31. How Can People Reach You?
There are a few ways people can reach me
My business email for any business inquiries is brazilianprincessmusic@gmail.com
And my fans only email is
My social media is also another way to reach me.
But I prefer any professional business to be conducted through email.
Check Out This New Artist Brazilian Princess
With Her 2 New Hit Singles (Eternal Things ) & ( Redemption )
Here Are The Links To Support The Artist
Spotify: Redemption
Spotify: Eternal Things
Apple/iTunes: Redemption
Apple/iTunes: Eternal Things
Amazon: Redemption
Amazon: Eternal Things
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