What inspired you to become an artist?
Growing up, I knew that I always had a passion for music and acting. I used to put on a show for anyone that would pay attention. When I became older I was involved in choir and theater before I put my main focus on sports. I was always still writing music but never took it seriously. One day in high school, I dropped a little mix tape I made on my phone and people were actually liking my music. Due to life getting hectic , I took almost a 3-4 year break from recording music , but I was still writing. One day an acquaintance I recorded with previously asked me why I stopped and invited me to record. After that, I haven’t taken another break and probably won’t .
Who are your biggest musical influences?
I get my inspiration from multiple genres but as far as rap, I’m influenced by both the men and women. From Nicki Minaj to Chief Keef , any music that can bring a pure emotion out of me will inspire me.
What is the story behind your stage name?
Bri P. wasn’t my first stage name, just a nickname , but growing up it felt like a lot of people went by the name Bri. So to cut down on confusion and separate myself from the crowd, I introduced the “P.” on the end which is the initial of my last name . It stuck and became my name.
When I started dropping music again , I decided to use my true nickname because my music is really authentically me.
How would you describe your musical style?
I can describe my music as honest and versatile. Any time I write a song , I speak what’s truly on my mind at the moment. One song may be about a love ,about overcoming the doubters, or just going out to have a fun night with friends but it’ll always be the truth about how I feel.
Can you walk us through your writing and recording process?
I’m always writing lyrics down, sometimes without a beat in mind. So sometimes the beat is chosen depending on how the lyrics make me feel. Other times , I start writing to a beat but get stuck during the writing session and will finish the song while actually recording it. After my main lyrics , everything else is just me vibing to the music.
What message do you hope to convey through your music?
I hope to inspire people to always be themselves no matter what’s going on around you or what anyone else’s perception of you is. You have to know yourself.
Can you tell us about your latest album or project?
My two latest singles are titled, “After Me” and “Barking”. “After Me” is a song about how you will attract haters just by being yourself , so dimming your light is pointless. Always be you in spite of others opinions. Meanwhile , “Barking” is a more playful song about how you shouldn’t let anyone you’re dealing with treat like you have to put up with stress and nonsense from them.
What is the most challenging aspect of creating music for you?
The most challenging part of making music would be other people not seeing the vision you have for yourself. Sometimes those closest to you won’t understand how hard you’re truly working for what you want.
As far as the music itself, the most challenging part would be creating music for yourself but also something that others can relate to while still being authentically you. It’s challenging but not impossible, it requires more though while writing which ultimately makes your music better.
How do you deal with criticism and negative feedback?
I’m a realistic person so I know everyone has their own opinions and things they like. I use the criticism and negative feedback to motivate me to keep elevating my music to the next level.
What sets you apart from other artists?
My versatility sets me apart from other artist. I feel like my ability to make different kinds of songs isn’t too common in today’s music scene. I also feel like my overall sound is a breath of fresh air from a lot of the recycled sound that we hear today.
What was the biggest obstacle you faced as a musician, and how did you overcome it?
My biggest obstacle I faced as a musician was getting over my anxiety of failure. My life experiences have taught me that you will never know until you try and the faith that you have in yourself should outweigh the faith anyone else has in you. When I was writing my first official single “Vengeance” , it clicked to me that everything I’ve been through has gotten me to this point and nothing can stop me now. In shorter terms , I stepped in to my bag.
Who are your dream collaborations and why?
I can’t name everyone off the top of my head but Nicki Minaj and Kash Doll are for sure artists I want to collaborate with. I feel like the energy in their raps is unmatched and they’re versatile too. I feel like I would mesh well with them on a song .
Can you discuss a time when you faced a creative block, and how you overcame it?
Creative blocks are a normal thing for me but I just keep writing. Majority of the time , I have more than a few unfinished songs that I keep in my back pocket. Then one day , the inspiration to finish a couple songs or sometimes all of them just pops up,. I can definitely say living life and going through experiences keeps the creativity flowing.
What do you consider to be your biggest musical accomplishment?
Getting my music played on the radio is currently my biggest accomplishment. It was amazing to see and hear my hard work and dedication pay off. The work isn’t done yet though, soon I’ll have performances and music videos to add to the list of accomplishments.
How has your hometown and community influenced your music?
My family and friends have always supported me since the very beginning and encouraged me to put myself out there to the world . Also, knowing that people in my hometown actually like my music and are supporting me even though they don’t know me keeps me motivated.
What advice would you give to aspiring artist?
Don’t second guess yourself and put yourself out there . Self doubt can keep up but you have to remember that there are so many people in this world , you couldn’t possibly be the only person that will like your music.
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not making music?
When I’m not making music , I enjoy doing nails. Nails is another one of my passions. When I’m not doing nails, I’m training my dog, in the gym, or learning something new.
What are your favorite and least favorite things about the music industry?
My favorite thing is getting to learn new things from other creators that can help me improve my craft. Also, just seeing how creative other people can be is inspiring. My least favorite is that it’s rare to see people that are genuinely being themselves and not trying to fit an image.
How do you stay connected with your fans and supporters?
Lately, I’ve been staying connected with my supporters through social media. Whether I’m interacting through comments or live , I’m happy to be able to connect with them.
What was the biggest lesson you learned from your musical journey so far?
You can’t let anything stop you if you truly want to succeed. Things will happen that are out of your control but you have to know how to maneuver and keep it pushing. If you want to make progress, you have to stay hungry enough to do what you need to do to get it done with or without anyone.
Can you tell us about a memorable performance you’ve had?
I haven’t had any performances yet but I’m excited for the future!
What are your future plans for your career as an artist?
My plan is to make this my main career soon. I really just want to express myself through my music and inspire other people for as long as I physically can.
What is the biggest challenge you face as a performer? Can you discuss a time when you faced adversity and how you overcame it?
There was a situation where I found myself not having a studio to record in and the songs I did have weren’t completed enough to be dropped. I decided to not let that stop me , I invested in a quality microphone and learned how to record myself. Then I found out of state engineers that I could send my vocals to and they would make my songs complete and ready to be dropped.
What do you think is the most important quality for a successful artist?
For an artist to make it they have to be open to learning. If you come into this feeling like you know everything , you’ll end up failing because you really don’t know anything . You can’t be defensive, if someone who’s been doing this successfully has a word of advice , it’s in your best interest to listen.
How do you stay motivated and focused on your goals as an artist?
It’s not hard to stay focused at all when you know what you really want. I’ve always been a goal driven person that doesn’t mind a lot on their plate. Outside of myself, seeing my family proud of me is a very big motivation for me.
Can you tell us about a project or song that holds a special place in your heart?
“Vengeance” will always have a special place in my heart . The song expresses how I went through a very rough time in my life that could’ve consumed me. Life was doing its thing but also people I had been good to treated me pretty badly. I let it get to me for a second but I had to remember who I am. I recorded that song and haven’t stopped moving forward since then.
What do you think is the role of an artist in society?
An artist’s job is to create outlets through their music for the listener. Whether it’s motivating them to create their own music to express themselves or using your voice/music to express themselves to the world , your goal as an artist should be to inspire.
What can fans expect from you in the future?
My supporters can definitely expect a lot from me in the near future. A mixtape will be dropping soon. I’m sure of an exact date yet but it’s coming . Also, shows will be being lined up and I hope to see them there!!
How can people find you?
Business email: bripmusic0@gmail.com
Instagram: @yeahbriii
Check out my Artist Page: https://unitedmasters.com/bri- p
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