Home Featured Artist Interview With – FMB Foreign @FMB_Foreign IG FMB_Foreign

Interview With – FMB Foreign @FMB_Foreign IG FMB_Foreign


1. How Long Have You Been In The Rap Industry?
6 years

2. Who Are Your Major Influences In Your Music?
Lil baby Drake lil Wayne Gherbo and Kendrick Lamar

3. What Is Your First Single? – Or What Single Do You Have Out Now?
My single out now is Protect Me

4. Who Do You Have On Your Album?
Members Only FMB prince and FMB Tae but not too many other people

5. How Did You Get Into The Rap Industry?
I’m not signed but dats won’t be for long

6. Where Were You Born? – Where Do You Live Now?
Born and raised in Baltimore city md

7. Who Would You Like To Work With That You Haven’t Already?
Sosa fina female rapper from my city

8. Who Is Your Favorite Rapper You Like Right Now?
Lil baby Est Gee and overseas Uk rapper dutchavelli

09. Who Do You Think Is The Hottest Producer Out? – What Would You Say To That Producer On Why They Should Work With You?
Atl Jacob my guys let’s work and make more hits fam

10. How Did You Come Up With Your Album Title?
Long and over thought

11. What Is Your Favorite Song On Your Album?
Protect me

12. Which Song On Your Album Means The Most To You?
Hell of a night means the most cuz it’s how I be feeling nowadays when dating but it’s a vibe tho

13. Who Are You Signed With?
I’m independent

14. When Is Your Album Release Date?
End of the summer or beginning of the year I haven’t made my mind up yet

15. What Cities Do You Plan On Touring?
Atlanta and Houston for sure but New York I’m coming and Philly and Memphis on my list

16. What Female Rapper Or Artist Do You Think Is The Sexiest?
Young Miami

17. What Would You Like To See From The Music Industry Over The Next Year?
More lyricist and more r & b male groups

18. What Is Your Second Single Going To Be?
Hell of a night

19. If You Could Compare Yourself To An Already Established Artist, Who Would That Be And Why?
Everyone would say young ma and honestly that’s the best one to me

20. What Do You Think Your Listeners Will Get Out Of Your Music?
Raw talent and the daily struggle of growing up in Baltimore

21. What Were You Thinking About When Your Songs Are Developed? Explain Your Process?
I’m honestly everywhere when it come to my process writing

22. Who Got You Started In The Rap Industry?
Myself me networking made that happen but dj bunk and duke helped me jumpstart my career

23. What Made You Want To Get Into The Music Business?
My father was a local producer coming up I played with his equipment by the time I was in high school I picked it up on my own but I wasn’t serious at first

24. How Does Your Family Feel About Your Music And Your Choice Of Career?
They love it they are very supportive

25. What Is The Most Difficult Thing You’ve Had To Endure In Life?
Being taken advantage of as a kid

26. What Do You Hope To Accomplish With Your Music?
I hope to get more streams and more fans

27. What’s The Demographic You Are Trying To Reach Out To?
The younger people

28. How Do You Usually Come Up With Your Songs?
I don’t have one way I have multiple ways

29. What Is Your Goal And Height That You Want To Reach With Your Music?
I want to be international of course

30. What Influenced You Outside Of Hip Hop Rap That Has Helped You Form Your Style?
My cousins and close family

31. How Can People Reach You?
@fmb_foreign on all platforms





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